Here you can read the story of Amber Ablaze, a fire Genasi fighter – and her party. The party is currently called Mivyres’ Murder Mayhem (MMM). Have fun!

Zombies and monks Session 3 October 2021 As we walk into the […]
Under the Sacred Stone Monastery Session 9 September 2021 We are at […]
Solarions’ cloak Session 5 August 2021 After breakfast, we choose to leave […]
The manticore Session 16 July 2021 Thanks to Frans, I can create […]
Feathergale Spire Session 4 June 2021 We walk away from the Tower […]
The tower of temptation Session 14 May 2021 The tower of temptation […]
Dreams & Mephits Session 4 May 2021 I’ve had a horrible night. […]
Highs, lows, and Onis Session 1 April 2021 We just murdered all […]
Spa and Alps Session 16 March 2021 We’re back in the inn […]
Cults and misses Session 25 February 2021 We continue our journey through […]